Planning the wedding ceremony is one of the most important parts of planning your wedding day. The ceremony is central to the entire event and the reason for the celebration. There are key components to the ceremony, such as the wedding party, officiant, witnesses, speakers and all the special traditions you include. These tips should help you create an unforgettable wedding ceremony.
The Wedding Party
Your wedding ceremony will include a wedding party that consists of a maid of honor, bridesmaids, best man, groomsmen, page boys, flower girls and parents of the bride and groom. The maid of honor is a personal assistant to the bride throughout the planning process and takes a supportive role during the entire event. The best man does the same for the groom. These are important people you absolutely cannot imagine the moment without. Bridesmaids and groomsmen make up the rest of the supportive party that will plan with you and support you during your big moment. Page boys usually have the role of escorting the flower girls. Flower girls walk down the aisle behind the ring bearer and scatter rose petals or blow bubbles. Not every wedding has children; therefore, page boys and flower girls are not part of every wedding ceremony.

Wedding Ceremony Processional
The wedding ceremony begins with the entrance of the mother of the bride. This signals that the main event is about to begin. Once she takes a seat in the front row, the groom will take his place at the wedding arch. Sometimes the groom’s parents escort him down the aisle. The best man makes his entrance and joins the groom. The groomsmen walk down the aisle, one by one. The bridesmaids follow behind the groomsmen in the same way. The maid of honor makes her entrance and walks down the aisle behind the bridesmaids. Sometimes the best man escorts the maid of honor and the groomsmen escort the bridesmaids down the aisle in pairs. The page boys and flower girls make their entrance before the bride, dropping rose petals on the aisle. Traditionally, the father of the bride escorts the bride down the aisle and gives her away. Traditions and circumstances will influence who escorts the bride. This role could be filled by a family member, close friend or no one.

The Officiant at Your Wedding Ceremony
Commitment ceremonies are becoming a popular trend. However, if you want your wedding ceremony to be legally recognized, you will need to take a few extra steps beyond the actual wedding ceremony. You will need a marriage license and an officiant to seal the deal. Your officiant will help you plan the rituals, readings and vows that you would like to be part of your wedding ceremony. Never be afraid to create something different. Step outside of the box and incorporate your unique customs and rituals. Think about how you envision your ceremony. Are you creating your own vows? Are you considering a unity candle or sand ceremony? The officiant will be the coordinator of all your customs and rituals. They will deliver special speeches and pause for readings. They will explain traditions to your guests in attendance and lead you through the rituals of your wedding ceremony. Your officiant will make all the difference in your special moments and make your wedding ceremony legal.

Crystal Ballroom Rock Hill
Your wedding ceremony should be the unforgettable moment of your dreams. Ceremonies at Crystal Ballroom Rock Hill are designed and decorated by a professional team of master designers. The ceiling is crowned with gorgeous chandeliers and the entire space is decorated with dreamy décor. Walk the aisle at Crystal Ballroom Rock Hill to an elegant wedding venue designed just for you.